GentleMan,kadhalan,mudhalvan,boys,anniyan, Shivaji , “The Boss” , Direction -Has Shankar really gone down??

Movies basically can be categorized to good good movies and good bad movies. As for eg, anbesivam is good good movie and gilli is good bad movie. In the above mentioned categories even director shankar’s film falls. Few good good  movies such as gentleman,mudhalvan and few good bad movies like boys, anniyan falls in that category. Shivaji was the recent release by shankar which absolutely does not contains story, also I had never seen in my life that a Super Star movie was totally abrupt. Shankar always has a kinda formula [formula = Bad Indian Govt] which can be seen in all movies. The Boss is no exception.

Hard works was taken for songs and fight scenes, but missed to have a coherant story. Shreya a family girl throughout the movie, but when she hit the songs, she was over exposed.

Overall The Boss sucks, because of the worst direction by shankar.



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